Utopia / Works / Design / Product Design / Medical cognitive training equipment

Medical cognitive training equipment

The Utopia design studio supported Neuroinova in the development of medical equipment under the Cogweb brand. This device consists of a set of puzzle-type exercises aimed at cognitive rehabilitation. In parallel, there was scientific certification of a method for analyzing cognitive abilities using the same medical device.


Équipement médical d'entraînement cognitif pour Neuroinova
Medical cognitive training equipment for Neuroinova
Puzzle pieces generate endless challenges
Puzzle pieces generate endless challenges
Exercise digitally designed on a computer
Exercise digitally designed on a computer
Cogweb puzzle tasks stimulate the brain
Cogweb puzzle tasks stimulate the brain

Design at the service of medicine and technological innovation

Utopia designers crafted medical equipment that allows the creation of various shapes in two and three dimensions. In short, it is a set of semi-rigid parts that allow the creation of various objects. This process thus allows the patient’s cognitive stimulation. The challenges are available on the Cogweb tool page or in a small manual. A dozen pieces allow you to build an infinite variety of shapes and objects with varying degrees of difficulty.

Design is thus at the service of the population’s cognitive health and in the fight for a healthier brain.

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