Interior Architecture

O nosso atelier de arquitetos tem já um consistente conjunto de obras de arquitetura de interiores. As lojas são projetos de uso comercial em que os clientes são sobretudo pequenas empresas. Os apartamentos são projetos de interiores de natureza residencial, sendo maioritariamente elaborados para famílias ou pequenos investidores. Os estabelecimentos de restauração são projetos de arquitetura de interiores em que é fundamental criar ambientes únicos e respeitar escrupulosamente a legislação.
Types of Interior architecture works

Bars and restaurants
Our portfolio of catering establishments brings together projects and works in spaces where food and drinks are prepared and consumed. These are normally small works but located in historic or special areas. Our restoration projects create unique experiences. Read more

Our portfolio of apartment works includes interior architecture projects for condominium housing. These are usually smaller detail works in which the carpentry and finishes take on greater importance. Sometimes these interior architecture projects include decoration and furniture. Read more
Frequently Asked Questions about our interior architecture portfolio
Check here the most common questions about our resume of interior architecture works and projects
Not in our office. This way, our office, our architects design and the builders build or sell. So, as architects, we focus on what we do best and without conflicts of interest.
Yes, they exist. However, at Utopia we are committed to the longevity of interior architectural design. And the truth is that there are timeless interior architecture solutions. So, see how the architect Mies van der Rohe innovated. At the same time, look at the architect Le Corbusier or Alvar Aalto and many others who have marked the history of Architecture and Design. In short, many of these innovative interior architecture proposals continue to be applied today and transform the world.
No. Many of our interior architecture works were carried out with furniture from different authors available in specialty stores. In many of these interior design and decoration projects, the secret lies in the correct combination and positioning of all furniture pieces.